Grace Baptist Church
1461 E. Post Road, Marion IA
(319) 377-9448
Reformers Unanimous

Reformers Unanimous is a program unlike any other. It is built and designed around the Word of God. The national relapse rate for addiction is nearly 80%. While the success rate for RU is more than 82%. We focus not on the addiction, but on the underlying causes that bring about this behavior. Come discover real recovery without relapse. You can be more than sober-you can be free!
At RU, you'll find...
Stories of Victory - Hear students give real-life, encouraging testimony of God giving them victory.
Great Teaching - Every class ends with a 30-minute lesson explaining Biblical principles that are an integral part to your recovery process.
Complete Curriculum - RU doesn't just tell you what's right, we give you the tools to discover truth on your own.
Motivational Awards - Who doesn't like awards? RU uses an award system to help motivate you on your journey to freedom.
Free Personal Counseling - You will have a leader, a helper, a director, and even the Pastor available to support your many needs.
Local Church Support - RU was founded with the idea that the Church is God's support group. One of the best things you can do, on your road to recovery, is attend a service at Grace Baptist Church.